The Roca to Montpol

From this very strange rock, the Roca de Montpol (Rock Montpol), in 3km of the houses (part of the path can be done by car) the views are wonderful.

Once at the top, hidden among the pine needles, a few stones indicate the site of the old castle of Montpol. Was built on the remains of a primitive romanic church, abandoned in s. XVII to build the current castle in a much more accessible place.

At its base you can see some natural caves that had been a home for different villagers and a hiding place for smugglers and bandits. You can still find parts of the walls that made up different parts of the building. The first record of inhabitants appears in 1692 and was finally abandoned in 1910.
In one of the caves you can refresh yourself with cold water that comes out of the rock to a stone sink surrounded by green plants.