Aigüesjuntes – Cal Ral

At the foot of the houses, there is a straight path carved into the rock, soon you will see the river in the background.

After 1 km you will reach Aigüesjuntes. As its name sais, is the place where two rivers converge: the Fred (cold) river and the Calent (warm) river.
The Fred river starts in Sant Quintí (Cambrils) and passes through high rocks denying any sunshine to warm up its water. The river Calent (or Odèn’s riverside) comes from different sources of Odèn region, its course is much more sunny. The temperature differences are so noticeable that in his union is typical to put a leg in each flow to enjoy the sensation.

If you follow the path that crosses the river wou will reach Cal Ral, a very nice place with two tables in the shelter, where you can recover from the trek.